luni, 20 decembrie 2010

My upcoming book

In today's post I will talk about three main aspects of the book I`m about to publish, discuss them, and then answer your questions regarding any topic related to the book itself or other fields that are close to the main aspects that I approached.

The first one will be the "reason why". Everybody has to have a reason why they do something, so surely I had reason why I decided to wright this book. It`s not about the money as some of you may think, not even about the fame, because you don't get famous by selling book online. The main reason for doing these is because I took a look around me, at my friends, at others people that I relate to and even observed total strangers, in relationship with others of the opposite sex. My conclusions were astonishing, awkward and breath-taking to say the least. The way in which the human experience changes when in relation with some of opposite sex is amazing, the transformation is true and noticeable. If you have a good enough observation spirit you can truly see the ancestral behaviour of primates, mammals in any one of us.

The second aspect is related to helping people. Yes, I want to help you, not by giving you step-by-step instructions about how to pick up a partner, or how to behave in bed. I only wish to open your eyes to the simple fact that, our foundation is not as complex as our brain and heart leads us to believe. It`s the fact that we are humans and we think so much, that stand in the way between us and relational happiness. You might get the idea that "primal behaviour" is only appropriate for people that live in a cave somewhere isolate from civilization, but trust me, what gets you to become a main actor instead of just an extra, is the inner workings of the male-female ancestral mechanisms.

The third aspect, what I expect from this. Well, my main goal is the help people discover and acknowledge something that they have within themselves, help them master a way of using it and keeping that alive until the day they pass away. Until next time, I`ll leave you with a taught to reflect on: "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." - Voltaire.

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